Join us for a heart-opening Cacao Ceremony with Spiritual Guide Jane Ritz at Sweetgrass Yoga! Jane is back from her time in Costa Rica, ready to share the wisdom and energy she gained in the jungle.

This event is all about expanding love and connection within ourselves and our community. Let's gather to share in the magic of cacao, celebrate unity through ritual and meditation, and experience its healing properties.

Each ceremony is unique, shaped by our collective energy. Connect with plant and spirit medicine while diving deeper into your heart space and meaningful connections with others.

Expect movement, journaling, sharing, meditation, and breathwork. Jane will offer a direct transmission of loving goodness, fostering conscious communication and deeper connections.

Explore the infinite potential of your heart and embrace love's transformative power. It's time to drop out of the mind and into the heart.

Please bring a:

  • Favorite mug for your cacao

  • Bring water to drink

  • journal & pen

  • a small item for the altar to charge in the powerful energy we co-create.  You will take this item with you when you leave.

Whether you're a regular at cacao ceremonies or curious to try for the first time, all are welcome to participate in this uplifting and transformative experience. We can't wait to share this beautiful day with you!

$44. per person for this three hour offering.

  • Cacao contains powerful compounds that enhance well-being:

    • Theobromine: Boosts blood flow to the heart, aids respiration, and promotes relaxation.

    • Anandamide: Known as the "Bliss Molecule," it elevates mood, memory, and motivation while reducing anxiety and depression.

    • Phenylethylamine: Dubbed the "Love Molecule," it creates euphoric feelings and fosters a sense of love and connection.

    Moreover, cacao facilitates profound shifts within the heart and consciousness, healing emotional wounds and amplifying heart harmonics. Rich in antioxidants, iron, and magnesium, it fuels creativity and inspiration.

    Across cultures, chocolate has symbolized love and healing. Cacao, as a sacred plant medicine, has been used for centuries in ceremonies to open the heart and foster healing. Embrace its benefits to nurture your body and spirit with feelings of bliss, love, and euphoria.

About Jane:
Jane has cultivated a profound connection with sacred Cacao since 2017, using it in sacred ceremonies to tap into the ancient wisdom of the Earth and the Cosmic heart.

Her journey with Cacao began when she was initiated with the medicine by a wise woman who brought it to her doorstep. After experiencing its transformative power firsthand, Jane felt called to serve Cacao in the highest regard, facilitating healing heart activations for others.

Cacao embodies the consciousness of ancient wisdom, offering keys to our true divine nature—centered in the heart. Join Jane as she leads you on a journey into the quantum realm, with your heart as the guiding force.

“I use the Cacao to open the heart and break down barriers.  I incorporate guided meditation and a quantum journey to create new neural pathways that your soul has been craving to experience.  Anticipate inspiration and clarity to flow as we navigate your intentions to live the life of your dreams.  Transformation will occur in the most loving, delicious, and uplifting way.”

Introducing "Yoga Lab"@ Sweetgrass Yoga – where experimentation meets exploration on the mat!

Ever felt like you're missing out on mastering those challenging poses because a class moves too quickly? We totally get it. That's why we've created Yoga Lab, a dedicated space for diving deep into those trickier poses and techniques.

Join us on the fourth Saturdays of the month for the next six months as we grow & discover together. 

Led by our amazing guides, each Yoga Lab session will focus on breaking down those elusive poses like inversions and crow, giving you the time and attention you need to truly understand and master them.

And don't worry – if you've ever felt unsure if you're doing a pose right, you're not alone. In Yoga Lab, we'll provide personalized feedback and adjustments to help you feel confident and supported every step of the way.

$25/$22.50 with membership

Saturday, May 25


Binds & Shoulders

We'll explore a range of shoulder openers that you can add to almost any asana and modify to suit your own practice. We'll also work with straps and practice binds and openers using props throughout the workshop -- no need to do anything prop free, our focus poses will encourage the use of a strap so you can feel the posture at any practice level. We'll explore familiar friends like extended side angle and warrior I, plus some challenges like bird of paradise and compass pose. All postures are offerings, not obligations, and class is a casual workshop environment where we encourage questions and conversation. Come hang. 

Our Quarterly Prenatal Yoga Workshop is thoughtfully curated for expectant mothers or those planning to embark on the beautiful journey of pregnancy. It will empower you to safely nurture your yoga practice while embracing the profound changes that pregnancy brings.

A Journey of Prenatal Wellness:

We dedicate the first half class to exploring gentle and effective modifications for popular yoga poses, ensuring your safety and comfort throughout your practice. In the second half, we put theory into action, guiding you through a soothing and empowering flow designed specifically for you.

Empowerment for Your Yoga Path:

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to continue your yoga practice in any class, now and in the future. We believe that yoga is a lifelong journey, and pregnancy is just one beautiful chapter in your story.

This class is complimentary for our members and available to visitors for $20.