Our Classes

Whether you are new to yoga or
experienced and looking for a place to grow your skills, we've got you covered.


This class is meticulously crafted to offer a sense of expansiveness as you delve into the core poses and essential breathwork of yoga. With a focus on moving at a chill pace, you'll find the time and space to fine-tune your alignment and establish a deeper connection with your practice.

  • begin with a comprehensive warm-up that gently prepares your body for the practice ahead. These initial movements are designed to ease tension, awaken your muscles, and facilitate a seamless transition into the flow.

  • as the class unfolds, you'll engage in longer-held yoga poses. This extended duration provides an opportunity to delve deeper into each posture, fostering a sense of stability and alignment while allowing your body to settle, strengthen and stretch.


This is a balanced and comprehensive class designed to demystify yoga poses and transitions. This class equips you with clear instructions on pose alignment while offering ample guidance in and out of each posture. With a strong emphasis on modification, this practical session ensures that yoga is accessible to everyone, regardless of experience or flexibility.

  • breaking down the mechanics and alignment to ensure a solid foundation. Clear instructions will guide you through the nuances of each posture, empowering you to fully grasp how your body benefits through each pose.

  • throughout the class, students will be offered multiple options for modifications, allowing you to tailor each pose to your individual needs and capabilities.


This class is designed to enhance your understanding of pose alignment while seamlessly transitioning through sequences that adapt and evolve as you progress.

  • as the class unfolds, you'll move through fluid sequences that gradually build upon each other. This progressive approach introduces you to new challenges and variations, empowering you to expand your comfort zone and evolve your practice.

  • the practice of flow generates a gentle, consistent heat as you delve into pose refinements and edges. This internal warmth not only promotes physical flexibility but also offers a heightened sense of mindfulness and focus.


This class offers a grounding blend of flow and strength building, prioritizing the cultivation of strength, balance, and flexibility without veering into high-intensity fitness territory.

Designed to enhance your overall physical well-being, this practice focuses on building your body's resilience and stability through controlled movements and mindful postures.

  • A variety of poses that target and integrate different muscle groups, enhancing overall body strength.

  • Mindful movements that prioritize proper alignment and technique.

  • Opportunities to challenge yourself at your own pace, with modifications available for all levels.


This class infuses the structure of a traditional flow session with an invigorating pace and heightened intensity. This practice is centered around harnessing the power of your breath to generate internal heat, creating an environment where strength and energy flourish. Class  caters to those who seek an energetic, fast-paced experience that strengthens the body, frees the mind, and revitalizes the spirit.

  • Your breath becomes the driving force in generating internal heat. As you synchronize your breath with movement, you'll create a fiery warmth within your body that not only fuels your physical performance but also offers a sense of mental clarity and focus.

  • encourages you to explore your limits and boundaries as you build core strength, enhance toning, and cultivate balance. 

  • sun salutations, standing poses, twists, hip openers and exploration of backbends, arm balances and inversions.


Spend this hour connecting with the timeless practice of yoga as a transformative journey. Our Modern Vinyasa class reimagines the age-old wisdom of yogis from 5,000 years ago, presenting it in a contemporary light that resonates with the language, anatomy, physiology, and psychology of today.

  • Gently awakening your body, warming muscles, and nurturing joints. Then, we embark on a journey through innovative and modern transitions that unveil fresh perspectives within each asana.

  • Embrace a holistic approach, engaging your entire being. It's not just about exercise; it's about harmonizing breath, muscles, and joints. While it builds strength and endurance, its ultimate aim is to empower you, nurturing a deep connection between your mind and body.

  • Encouraging deliberate engagement with the present moment and the space that surrounds you, both in the physical and psycho-spiritual dimensions.


This class seamlessly weaves two distinct aspects of yoga practice into a single transformative experience. This innovative approach enables you to harness the energy of power flow while indulging in the deep replenishment of a restorative session.

  • during the initial 30 minutes, immerse yourself in an empowering opening sequence that includes dynamic standing poses. You'll have the option to engage in invigorating vinyasa sequences, tailored to your personal preference and readiness.

  • transitioning into the second half of the class, devote the next 30 minutes to a serene and rejuvenating recharge. With a focus on spending more time on your mat, you'll experience a deep sense of restoration through supported poses and nurturing stretches.


This class offers a unique fusion of yoga, barre, Pilates, and traditional strength training. 

  • prepare to engage in a comprehensive full-body workout that integrates movements inspired by different disciplines. These dynamic motions are designed to elevate your heart rate and effectively target large muscle groups, fostering increased strength and vitality.

  • through the incorporation of small, controlled movements, you'll delve into intrinsic muscles that often go overlooked. These subtle actions play a crucial role in stabilizing joints, enhancing balance, and promoting overall body harmony.


This class is perfect for athletes of all levels, whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or new to the world of intense workouts. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to prioritize your body's recovery journey.

Class offers a tailored blend of yoga postures, breathwork, and relaxation techniques to aid your body's healing and recovery process.

  • begin with a gentle flow sequence that targets key muscle groups, promoting blood circulation and relieving tension. The controlled movements help you transition from the intensity of your regular workouts to a more serene state.

  • through deep, intentional stretches, we'll work to increase flexibility and range of motion. This helps prevent injuries, alleviate muscle soreness, and restore your body's natural alignment.

  • woven throughout are mindful breathing techniques that not only oxygenate your body but also calm your mind. Breathing exercises provide mental clarity, reduce stress, and aid in muscle recovery.


This class is thoughtfully designed to bring ease and relaxation to both the body and mind. With a focus on simplicity and stress-free transitions, students of all backgrounds can fully engage and benefit from the practice.

  • thoughtfully designed flow sequences that harmonize breath and movement. Each transition is an opportunity to delve into the art of mindful awareness, fostering a sense of presence and connection within the practice. 

  • throughout the class, we seamlessly weave moments of static meditation into the flow. These provide opportunity for you to deepen your introspection, experience mental clarity, and cultivate a profound connection to the present moment.

  • immerse yourself in active meditation as you mindfully move through the sequences. inviting  you to quiet the mental chatter, immersing yourself fully in the grace of movement.


This class offers a practical, down-to-earth approach to deep connective  tissue stretching and joint revitalization. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to yoga, you're invited to experience the functional benefits of yin yoga firsthand.

  • dive into poses that are strategically crafted to provide a unique kind of stretch—one that penetrates the layers of deep connective tissues and fascia. This targeted approach contributes to enhanced overall flexibility and a feeling of spaciousness within your body.

  • As you hold these poses for longer durations, you're aiding in boosting circulation within your joints. This can lead to improved mobility and comfort, as well as a sense of vitality that radiates from the inside out.


  • This class guides you to experience the profound benefits of a practice centered around complete passivity and relaxation. Utilizing a range of supportive props including bolsters, blankets, and blocks, this practice gently guides the body into poses designed to induce a state of deep relaxation.

    • Restorative Yoga is a form of active rest, where there is a deliberate absence of muscle engagement or contraction. Participants surrender fully into each pose, allowing for the gradual release of tension and stress from the body. By creating an environment of complete support and comfort, this practice facilitates a profound sense of ease.

    • deeply relax the body while simultaneously activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This effect aids in promoting better sleep quality and reducing overall stress levels. Through intentional stillness and the gentle slowing of the breath, this practice creates a space for the body to find quietude and restoration.

    • offers a unique opportunity to unwind, letting go of the demands and pressures of daily life. By embracing the principles of passive surrender and mindful relaxation, you can cultivate a heightened sense of well-being and a greater connection between body and mind.


Discover a holistic approach to tackling the Sunday Scaries with our Twilight Restorative Yoga class, designed to equip you for the week ahead with a tranquil mind and rejuvenated body.

  • in our candlelit studio, Indulge in the luxury of restorative poses, each thoughtfully held for an extended duration of six to eight minutes. This deliberate pacing encourages a profound unwinding, allowing both your physical and mental tensions to gradually dissolve. With each pose, you'll find yourself sinking deeper into a state of repose, fostering a genuine sense of tranquility.

  • experience complete support as you recline into each pose, surrounded by provided bolsters, blankets, and blocks. Your comfort is paramount, and you're also welcome to bring your personal props to further enhance your relaxation.

  • ending class with a 30-minute Yoga Nidra session. This guided meditation technique delves even deeper into relaxation, guiding you to the threshold between wakefulness and slumber. Through Yoga Nidra, you'll cultivate a state of conscious rest, reaping benefits akin to several hours of rejuvenating sleep.